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Remodeling / Renovation Estimate Request from One Man and A Hammer

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logo onyx collection north alabamaOne Man & A Hammer, LLC
207 Marinawoods Dr
Huntsville, Alabama 35803
Phone: (256) 651-3096

We pride ourselves on high-quality home improvements for our customers in North Alabama & Middle Tennessee. No project is too big or small for us.

The importance of a licensed contractor really cannot be overemphasized. Hiring a licensed contractor can save you from a lot of damages and costs. If anything goes wrong, you would know that the insurance of your contractor can cover it. But in the event that you decide to go with a contractor that does not have a license; And, there happens to be a problem along the line, you would end up having to spend more than your budget can accommodate. In essence, in the long run, it is safer for you to hire a licensed contractor.

From the Contractor... At One Man & A Hammer, LLC, we are passionate about seeing a project from concept to fruition and we truly enjoy building relationships with our clients. We always use the highest quality construction standards, planning, organization and the most advanced home building tools to complete your project on time and within budget.
signature vern saxon one man and a hammer llc
Vern Saxon, Owner / Contactor
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